
A Pivotal Moment Chap 11 (KilixReaderxLegolas)

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A quiet commotion outside of Y/n’s cell drew her attention away from her tears. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. Her mouth fell open ever so slightly. The dwarves were letting themselves out of their cells; passing keys back and forth to each other. Bilbo was there. ‘Where had he been all this time?’ Y/n wondered. She stood up as Bilbo ran to her cell and unlocked the door.

“Oh thank God, Bilbo where have you been?” She said. The girl smiled down at the hobbit. Kili rushed to her side. He pulled her into a quick hug before saying, “Come on, let’s go.” The dwarf wrapped an arm protectively around her waist and led her away. All of the company had unlocked themselves from their cells and now followed Bilbo down into the depths of Thranduil’s palace. Y/n’s heart was beating in her ears and she smiled as she felt a rush of adrenaline course through her veins. They were escaping. She placed her hand on Kili’s and squeezed. Maybe she wasn’t going to die here after all.

Bilbo led the company down into what appeared to be a wine cellar. Barrels were stacked on the floor and lined the walls. The air was musky and had the faint sent of alcohol and apples. The hobbit pressed a finger to his lips and pointed at two sleeping elves slumped over a table.

“I don’t believe it!” Kili said. “We’re in the cellars!” Y/n glanced down at the dwarf, he sounded angry.

“You’re supposed to be getting us out not farther in!” Bofur hissed. Bilbo shushed him. The hobbit pointed the group to a stack of empty barrels.

“Everyone climb into the barrels, quickly,” He said. Tensions were high; Bilbo knew this was their only chance of escape.

“Are you mad?” Dwalin growled. “They’ll find us.”

“No, no they won’t, I promise you,” Bilbo reassured. “Please, please you must trust me.”

The company began muttering and Y/n looked at Bilbo with questioning eyes. The mood was getting heavier by the second.

“Do as he says,” Thorin commanded and all the dwarves moved into action. One by one they helped each other into the barrels. Kili guided Y/n to one of them and she took her queue from the others. She didn’t know how hiding would help them escape, but she trusted Kili.

It was a tight squeeze inside her chosen barrel; Y/n was bigger than the dwarves and much taller. The girl sat with her back hunched over and her knees bent in front of her. It was suffocating. Y/n paid close attention as Kili got into the barrel above her, she did not want to lose track of him.

Y/n gasped as her barrel jolted forward. She placed a hand on the barrel wall and tried to stabilize herself. The barrels began to roll and she screamed. Her voice was drowned out by the deafening sound of dwarves yelling. Y/n felt herself falling and suddenly there was a splash. Water surged in through the open top. Cold liquid rushed into her lungs and panic consumed her. The barrel righted itself in the water and Y/n broke the surface. She coughed and hacked and gasped for air. The water was dark and freezing, her body was shocked by the sudden submersion.

The company surrounded her, all soaked, all in makeshift boats. The barrels sailed down the underground river system so swiftly Y/n barely had time to orient herself.

Thorin shouted something back to the group with a smile on his face. He began paddling with one hand while holding onto his barrel with the other. The company did the same.

Soon the barrels washed out into the open river and straight down what can only be described as a mini waterfall. She screeched again as she fell, landing safely in the rapids of the river. Her barrel spun and bobbed and Y/n couldn’t help but feel completely out of control. Her life was in the river’s hands.

Horns sounded behind her and Y/n’s hair flew as she turned to look. Legolas stood on a ledge several yards back. Y/n turned again as she heard the dwarves shout. They were approaching a gate at an alarming rate. An elven guard stood on the bridge above the river and hurriedly pulled a lever, which closed the iron bars.

Thoirn’s barrel slammed into the bars first and the rest collided with him. Y/n jerked forward as her barrel hit Nori’s and came to a stop. She swore. There was no way they could get through the bars. Y/n stared up at the elven guard. An arrow pierced his armor and he looked down, stunned. Before he could move, a creature jumped up behind him and stabbed him through the back, impaling him, and threw his body into the river below. Y/n gasped and turned her head away as the body splashed next to her. The question “What just happened?” repeated itself over and over again in her spinning mind. The blood of the elf stained the water around her. She looked back at the creature with wide, terrified eyes. Y/n had never seen a beast so vile. Balin muttered a word beside her. “Orcs.” There were hundreds of them; crawling on the land like parasites. They gripped axes and clubs covered in the blood of victims prior. Y/n felt nauseous with fear.  She kept as much of her body in the barrel as she could and wrapped her arms over her head.

Beside her, Kili sprang into action. Elves began attacking the orcs, drawing their attention away from the dwarves. Arrows flew through the air as Kili hopped out of his barrel and jumped to land. He scrabbled up to the lever that controlled the gate below. His efforts were met with the oily face off an orc. The orc swung his sword downwards. Kili dodged the blow and struck the blade out of his hand. He grabbed it and plunged it into the orc’s body with all of his might. The orc fell and Kili pulled the blade back. As soon as he was satisfied that the monster was truly dead, Kili pulled the lever and opened the gate.

“Kili!” Fili cried as the barrels began to move once more. Kili slid down the embankment and jumped into his barrel, still with the blade in his hand.

Y/n gripped the rim of her barrel as it began to fly down the river. She felt like she was on a ride at a water park…only with less safety features and the constant threat of death. Y/n yelped again as her barrel plummeted down another drop, dowsing her in cold water. White rapids were approaching ahead and Y/n tried to keep her barrel steady.

Orcs roamed the rocky shore as they tried to get as close to the dwarves as possible. Their terrible war cries would be burned into Y/n’s mind for the rest of her days.

The tide washed Y/n much too close to the shore for her liking. An orc stood watching her, axe in hand. His front teeth jutted out from his jaw as he growled in anticipation.

“Um, guys?” Y/n shouted. She needed to get someone’s attention.

Someone shouted back and Y/n turned just in time to catch the sword being thrown her way, hilt first. She turned back to the orc only to see him in midair, jumping towards her. His axe was over his head and a jagged smile clung to his face. Y/n stuck her sword straight out in front of her and squeezed her eyes shut.

A crushing weight slammed into her and something warm trickled down her arms. With a shout Y/n heaved the orc off of her and into the water. The effort almost capsized her. She managed to keep a grip on her sword as she stood in her barrel and gasped for air. The water soon propelled her barrel away from shore and “safely” back into the middle of the rapids. The girl couldn’t stop shaking. Y/n felt rocks scrape the bottom of her barrel and she prayed it wouldn’t be smashed to pieces. Y/n ducked as an arrow came dangerously close to her head.

Legolas ran beside the dwarves on land. He nimbly navigated the rocky terrain and jumped over roots and branches alike. He shot arrows that took down countless orcs. But the elf’s eyes were trained on Y/n. He watched as she pushed an orc off of her. Her hair was wet and plastered to her shoulders and little droplets of water clung to her cheeks. He was desperate to make sure she would come to no harm.

Soon the elven soldiers had slain all the orcs. Corpses littered the land and floated with the dwarves in the river. The company
managed to stick together in one little bunching of barrels. Bilbo was still clinging to the outside of Dori’s barrel and all of them had armed themselves with long sticks or stolen weaponry.

Legolas stopped running, he stood on a mossy cliff overlooking the water. He breathed deeply and his expression was somber.

Y/n turned her head to look back at the elven palace. Legolas met her eyes. Their gazed didn’t waver as surf and spray splashed up
into Y/n’s face. Y/n didn’t know how to feel; she didn’t feel anything but the beating of her heart and her own trembling hands. It was probably shock.

Y/n smiled halfheartedly at the elf. She blinked water out of her eyes. It was a tender smile as if to say goodbye. ‘Maybe in an other life,’ She thought.

Legolas watched her float away. His throat tightened. ‘This can’t be it. That can’t be goodbye.’ Legolas stood on that mossy overhang until Y/n floated out of sight.

Kili and Fili floated on either side of Y/n. Y/n stretched out her hands and gripped both of their barrels. They did the same, forming a long chain as they soared down the river. Kili grinned at Y/n.

“We’re out,” He said.

Y/n smiled back.
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Proud2BeANerd's avatar
I started reading and now I can't wait for it to continue :D